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How to Learn Robotics? Everything You Need to Know

In an era defined by rapid technological transformation, the study of robotics has transcended the realm of science fiction and become a critical skill for anyone seeking to understand and thrive in the upcoming robotic and automated landscape. The question isn't just "Why learn robotics?" but rather "Why wouldn't you learn robotics?"

This new landscape is characterized by the evolving role of automation and robotics in our society and the profound impact they have on various fields, from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and transportation.   

From self-driving cars navigating our roads to smart robots doing agricultural work such as picking fruits and seeding/watering fields,  robots have permeated various industries and are redefining how we interact physically with the world around us.

Why Learn Robotics now?

  1. Pioneering the Future: Robotics is at the forefront of technological advancements. Learning robotics means becoming a pioneer in shaping the future, contributing to innovations that will define how we live, work, and communicate in the years to come.
  1. In-Demand Skills: Robotics is an amalgamation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The skills you acquire while learning robotics—critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning, and hands-on tinkering —are invaluable, not just in the field of robotics but in various aspects of life.  The job market is evolving, and employers increasingly seek individuals with robotics expertise. Learning robotics can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities, from automation engineering to artificial intelligence robotics development.
  1. Creative Expression: Robotics is a canvas for creativity. It offers the freedom to design, build, and program robots that can bring your ideas to life. Whether you're an aspiring engineer or a creative thinker, robotics provides a platform for your imagination to flourish.
  1. A World of Possibilities: The applications of robotics are boundless. You can use robotics to automate everyday tasks, create art installations, explore outer space, or even revolutionize healthcare. Learning robotics empowers you to dream big and turn those dreams into reality.
  1. Problem Solving in a Physical World: In a world riddled with complex physical challenges, robotics offers a unique perspective on solving physical problems with autonomous or semi-autonomous machines capable of performing tasks in the physical world. Learning robotics can  lead you to design complex mechanical systems, advanced algorithms for navigation and perception, and higher-level decision-making to solve real world problems.

As we delve into the world of learning robotics, we'll explore not only the "why" but also the "how." We'll uncover the foundational knowledge you need, the resources at your disposal, and the exciting journey that awaits as you embark on this path of discovery and innovation. Welcome to the world of robotics, where the future is yours to shape.

Understanding the Basics

What Is Robotics?

At its core, robotics is the interdisciplinary field that merges science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to design, build, program, and operate robots. These robots can be autonomous entities or semi-autonomous machines created to perform tasks independently or under human guidance.

A robot typically comprises several key components:

  • Sensors: These serve as the robot's senses, enabling it to perceive its environment. Sensors can include cameras, touch sensors, sonar, infrared sensors, and more.
  • Actuators: These are the muscles of the robot, responsible for carrying out physical actions. Examples include motors, servos, and pneumatic cylinders.
  • Control Systems: This functions as the robot's brain, processing sensor data and making decisions based on predefined algorithms or machine learning.
  • Mechanical Structure: The physical framework that houses the robot's components. It can be simple or complex, depending on the robot's intended purpose.
  • Power Source: Robots require a power source to operate, which can be batteries, electricity, or other energy forms.

Robotics encompasses a wide range of applications, from industrial automation and manufacturing to healthcare, space exploration, agriculture, and even entertainment. Robots can be found in factories assembling products, in surgical rooms assisting doctors, and on Mars roving the Red Planet.

Why Is Robotics Important Today?

The significance of robotics in today's world cannot be overstated. Here are several compelling reasons why robotics is crucial in the present day:

  • Automation: Robotics plays a pivotal role in automating repetitive and labor-intensive tasks in various industries. This not only increases efficiency but also reduces the risk of human error.
  • Precision: Robots excel in tasks requiring precision, whether it's performing surgery with sub-millimeter accuracy or assembling intricate electronics.
  • Safety: Robots are deployed in environments deemed too hazardous for humans, such as deep-sea exploration, nuclear reactor inspection, and disaster response.
  • Enhanced Productivity: In manufacturing, robotics has led to increased production rates and consistent product quality. This has far-reaching economic implications.
  • Space Exploration: Robots like the Mars rovers have expanded our understanding of the universe by venturing into harsh and remote environments where humans cannot go.
  • Healthcare: Surgical robots assist doctors in performing minimally invasive procedures, reducing patient trauma and recovery times.
  • Education: Robotics education equips students with essential STEM skills, fostering creativity and problem-solving abilities, preparing them for the jobs of the future.
  • Innovation: Robotics serves as a breeding ground for innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and driving progress in technology solving real world problems with automation or semi-automation to greatly increase efficiency.

Read More: What Is Robotics: Definition, Types, And Practical Applications

Setting the Foundation

Acquiring knowledge to be Successful at Robotics

Before diving headfirst into the captivating world of robotics, it's essential to establish a strong foundation. Robotics, being a multidisciplinary field, requires a blend of knowledge and skills from various domains. Here, we'll outline the prerequisites necessary for a smooth journey into the realm of robotics.

  1. Mathematics: The Language of Robotics

Mathematics forms the backbone of robotics. To comprehend the intricacies of robot design, control, and programming, you should be well-versed in the following areas:

  • Algebra: A firm grasp of algebra is crucial for solving equations and manipulating variables.
  • Geometry: Geometry helps in understanding spatial relationships, which are vital for robot movement and manipulation.
  • Trigonometry: Trigonometric functions come into play when dealing with angles and rotations.
  • Calculus: Understanding calculus is essential for grasping concepts related to motion, acceleration, and integration.

A strong mathematical foundation will empower you to tackle complex robotic problems with confidence.

  1. Physics: The Science of Motion

Physics is the science that explains the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. In robotics, a basic understanding of physics is essential, particularly in the following areas:

  • Mechanics: Mechanics helps you understand the principles of motion, forces, and dynamics. It's crucial for designing the mechanical components of robots.
  • Electromagnetism: Understanding electricity and magnetism is essential for dealing with electronic components in robotics.
  • Kinematics: Kinematics deals with the study of motion, specifically how objects move without considering the forces that cause that motion. It's fundamental to robot design and control.
  1. Programming and Computer Science Skills: The Instruction to Robots 

Robotics programming involves writing instructions that govern the behavior of robots. Familiarity with programming languages is crucial. Here are a few programming languages commonly used in robotics:

  • Python: Python is known for its simplicity and readability, making it an excellent choice for beginners in robotics.
  • C/C++: C/C++ offer more control and is often used in performance-critical applications.
  • MATLAB: MATLAB is widely used for research and simulations in robotics.
  • Scratch or Block-based programming:  They ofter the easiest way to start programming with a drag and drop interface that can be used by young kids or total beginners.

Once you learn about programming, you can dive into learning computer science skills to design the control system of robots,  integrate with sensors and program robots to react according to the analysis of the collected sensor data, and plan the robot's path and navigation.

  1. Electronics Knowledge: The Nervous System of Robots

Robots rely on electronic components for sensory input, decision-making, and motor control. Understanding basic electronics, circuits, and components such as sensors, micro controllers, and actuators is essential for building and programming robots.

  1. Problem-Solving Skills: The Mindset of a Roboticist

In robotics, you'll frequently encounter complex problems that require innovative solutions. Developing strong problem-solving skills, along with a dose of curiosity and patience, is crucial for overcoming the challenges you'll face.

  1. Programming Tools and Software: The Roboticist's Toolkit

Familiarize yourself with tools and software commonly used in robotics, such as simulation environments (e.g., ROS for Robot Operating System), CAD software for designing robot components, and IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) for programming.  One example of IDEs is Arduino IDE for programming microcontrollers.

By honing these prerequisites, you'll be well-prepared to embark on your journey into the exciting world of robotics. These foundational skills will not only make learning robotics more accessible but will also enable you to explore more advanced concepts and take on complex robotic projects with confidence.

Starting with Robotics Kits: Benefits of Hands-On Learning

Embarking on your journey into the captivating world of robotics can be a thrilling experience, and one of the most accessible and engaging ways to begin is by using robotics kits. These kits are designed to provide you with all the essential components and instructions needed to build and program your robots. In this section, we'll explore the myriad benefits of using robotics kits as a starting point for your robotic adventure.

The Benefits of Robotics Kits:

  • Hands-On Learning: Robotics kits offer a tangible, hands-on learning experience. Instead of merely studying theory, you get to apply what you learn by physically building and programming robots. This kinesthetic approach enhances comprehension and retention of concepts.
  • Structured Learning: Kits often come with step-by-step instructions, making it easy for beginners to follow along. This structured learning format ensures that you progress gradually, building a solid foundation of knowledge and skills.
  • No Specialized Knowledge Required: You don't need to be an expert in electronics or programming to get started with robotics kits. They are designed with beginners in mind, so you can begin your robotics journey with minimal prior knowledge.
  • Affordable Entry Point: Many robotics kits are cost-effective, making robotics accessible to a wide range of enthusiasts, including students and hobbyists. They provide an affordable entry point to a fascinating field.
  • Immediate Feedback: As you build and program robots, you receive immediate feedback. If something doesn't work as expected, you can troubleshoot and learn from your mistakes, fostering problem-solving skills.
  • Exploration of Concepts: Kits often include various sensors, actuators, and components, allowing you to explore a wide range of robotics concepts, from basic movements to more advanced topics like computer vision and machine learning.
  • Creativity and Customization: While kits provide instructions, they also leave room for creativity and customization. You can modify your robot's design and behavior, giving you the freedom to innovate.
  • Community and Support: Many robotics kits come with online communities and forums where you can seek help, share your progress, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. This sense of community can be motivating and educational.

Recommended Kits for Beginners:

If you're eager to get started with robotics but aren't sure which kit to choose, here are some highly recommended options for beginners:

  • LEGO Mindstorms: The LEGO Mindstorms series offers a fantastic introduction to robotics for both kids and adults. It combines the versatility of LEGO building with programmable bricks, sensors, and motors, allowing you to create a wide range of robots.
  • Bittle quadruped robot kits:  Bittle robot dogs are a family of palm-sized, open-source programmable robot dogs, designed for STEM and robotics education.  The quadruped robots can play dead and backflip with high performance, lifelike movements. Bittle’s dynamic maneuverability and behaviors are features typically seen on luxury robots, but Petoi’s technology is now making it accessible to everyone to get started with robotics education.  Bittle robots come with free C++ and Scratch robotics curricula.  You can even program your own voice commands with the voice-control robot dogl Bittle X


  • Arduino Starter Kits: Arduino is a popular platform for building and programming robots. One example is Nybble Arduino starter kits which provide a microcontroller board, sensors, various electronic components and servos. They're ideal for learning electronics,robot programming in a hands-on way.


  • Raspberry Pi Kits: Raspberry Pi is another versatile platform for robotics. Raspberry Pi kits provide a mini-computer that can be used to control robots. These kits often include accessories like sensors, cameras, and motor controllers.
  • VEX Robotics Kits: VEX Robotics offers a range of educational kits suitable for beginners. They include building components, motors, sensors, and a control system. VEX kits are commonly used in schools and competitions.
  • Makeblock Kits: Makeblock provides robotics kits that are beginner-friendly and modular. They offer both mechanical and electronic components, allowing you to create robots with ease.

Before selecting a kit, consider your interests and goals in robotics. Some kits are better suited for specific types of robots or programming languages. Whichever kit you choose, remember that the most important aspect is your willingness to learn, experiment, and have fun as you embark on your exciting journey into the world of robotics.

Exploring Online Courses and Tutorials

In your quest to learn robotics, the digital landscape offers a wealth of resources, and two standout options for learning are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and YouTube tutorials, along with various learning platforms.

The World of Robotics MOOCs:

Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, have democratized education by offering comprehensive, structured courses online.  In the realm of robotics, you'll find a range of MOOCs covering topics from beginner to advanced levels. These courses are typically developed by esteemed institutions and taught by experts in the field, providing you with high-quality content and hands-on learning experiences. MOOCs offer flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your schedule. They often provide certificates of completion, which can be a valuable credential for your resume.

Platforms like Edx, Udacity,  Udemy and Coursera also host a variety of robotics courses, some of which are free or available at a modest cost. These platforms offer flexibility, enabling you to learn from experts and engage with a community of learners.

YouTube Tutorials and Learning Platforms:

YouTube is a treasure trove of robotics tutorials and demonstrations. From building your first robot to delving into advanced concepts, you can find a video tutorial for nearly every aspect of robotics such as robot dog tutorials and robot cat tutorials.


Whether you prefer structured courses with certificates or informal tutorials, MOOCs and YouTube tutorials offer valuable resources for anyone eager to dive into the exciting world of robotics. The choice between them largely depends on your learning style, goals, and availability.

Visit Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5c3a8-BYPm0nybfH5AjPrg

Joining Robotics Clubs and Communities:

The robotics community is a vibrant and collaborative space where enthusiasts, learners, and experts come together to share their passion. Joining robotics clubs and online communities offers you several benefits. You can tap into a wealth of knowledge, seek guidance from experienced members, and collaborate on exciting projects. These communities provide a platform to discuss ideas, solve problems, and stay updated with the latest trends in robotics. Additionally, they foster a sense of belonging and motivation, making your robotics journey all the more enjoyable.

Participating in Robotics Competitions:

Robotics competitions are more than just contests; they are incredible learning experiences. They challenge you to apply your robotics skills in real-world scenarios and test your problem-solving abilities under pressure. Competitions offer an opportunity to showcase your creativity and innovation while networking with like-minded individuals. Whether you're competing locally or internationally, these events provide a platform for growth, where you can learn from successes and failures alike, all while having a blast in the process.

Hands-On Projects:

Building Your First Robot is a thrilling introduction to the world of robotics. It's a hands-on experience that allows you to apply your knowledge and creativity to construct a functional robot. As you gain confidence, you can venture into Intermediate and Advanced Projects such as building a 3D-printed quadruped robot, which challenge you to tackle more complex tasks, pushing your skills to new heights.

Advanced Learning Paths:

For those seeking a deeper dive into robotics, pursuing Robotics Degrees is a logical step. These formal programs equip you with comprehensive knowledge and provide opportunities for specialization. Specializations and advanced courses allow you to focus on specific areas of interest, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or autonomous systems.

Staying Updated with Robotics Trends:

In a field as dynamic as robotics, staying current is essential. The rapid evolution of robotics is evident as new technologies emerge. To keep pace, utilize resources for staying current, which may include academic journals, industry publications, and online communities. Along the way, remember that overcoming challenges is part of the journey. Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities, and you'll grow as a roboticist. To stay inspired, draw from the rich history and promising future of robotics, allowing your passion to fuel your persistence.


In the thrilling journey through the world of robotics, we've explored the foundational knowledge, hands-on experiences, and advanced pathways that pave the way for a deeper understanding of this dynamic field. As we conclude, we're reminded that robotics isn't merely about machines; it's about the boundless possibilities they represent in the robotic and automated landscape.

Building your first robot is not just a step; it's a giant leap into the world of creativity and innovation. Intermediate and Advanced Projects challenge you to dream bigger, pushing the boundaries of what's achievable.

We invite you to embrace the future of robotics. Whether you're driven by curiosity, creativity, or a desire to make the world a better place, robotics offers a canvas on which your ideas can take shape. It's a field where innovation knows no bounds, and where the future is waiting for you to shape it. 

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1 comment

Received my Bittle X and I’m very pleased and eager to learn to become a Roboticist. Wooooooo!!!

Charles Walsh

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